Monday, July 28, 2014

Material world

It's been a world of busy-ness, wool and cotton swirling, essays being (kind of) ignored, cold weather infiltrating, and the days just marching on relentlessly.

It's been a world of perching beside the heater, admiring other worlds of summer, and checking that the cherry tree has small leaf bumps on it.  Spring seems a world away.

My cut back, chopped away, depleted wardrobe is not made for winter.  I have scarves aplenty, but the jumper/coat side of the bargain is largely unfulfilled.  Somehow, I seem to have adopted a number of coats that chop me in half, are stiff and not cosy, and - I shouldn't complain, I know! - I seek the elusive light, knee length, draped number that will provide a bit of winter magic.  It's out there, I'm sure it is.  Otherwise, I'd be quite happy with a long duffle coat.  The problem is that by now - and with complete lack of logic - retailers have started stocking warmer weather gear.  There's nothing like stepping into a shop from hail and icy winds to see short sleeved blouses everywhere.  Give us just a few more weeks.  Wait until the cherry tree's leaves have actually started to emerge.  It will happen.

In the middle of all this tangled angst and myriad cups of tea, there emerges serenity. It is unexpected, and a pleasant surprise.  Being interested in just what can be done with combinations of crafts, I placed some of my favourite photos in mirror image arrangements with Spoonflower.  I had tried out one other photo with them before, and thought it was worth another attempt.  And....I'm delighted.  I'm still deciding what to do with the results - a silky swathe of orchids, light voile maple leaves, and a poplin square of roses - but there will be more.  This is a bright triumph in wintry days.

Unfortunately - or perhaps luckily! - I don't quite have enough of any of them to make myself a coat....

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