Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Emerging into the New Year!

Well, that was fun.  Chaos, catch ups and Christmas.  Now, while so many in the blogging world are surrounded by snow and happily creating crocheted and knitted marvels in the cold weather, we are beating off the heat.  Bushfires and cicadas, iced drinks and cricket, shaded rooms and dashes outside to check on the frazzled garden.  This is Australia!

The heat can get ferocious, make no mistake.  Even on Christmas Day,. as we saw the forecast rise from a palatable 22 degrees C to well over 30 in our part of the world, we knew that the deck outside would be a no go zone.  Christmas was indoors for our heat sensitive family, and while it would have been lovely to meander in the garden, there were adequate compensations.

For one, it was my niece's first Christmas:

Here she is, being made into the family Christmas card, complete with a crocheted Santa hat.  I did get to sit with her on the front verandah later on Christmas Day, and it was beautiful - fifteen minutes with a contented little person on my lap, watching her peering around at the world, and having an occasional chatter in her own special language. 

She is lovely.  The New Year is wonderful.  I can't wait to see what it brings, and while a week in (it's my father's birthday today - Happy Birthday, Dad!), I wish everyone out there all the very best for 2015.  My resolutions and plans are somewhat amorphous at the moment (heat affected), but I certainly intend including plenty of crochet, writing and time with this lovely baby.

Stay cool - or warm - depending on your part of the world!


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